Business ethics and environmental standards

Our corporate values form the foundation of our business ethics. The following principles guide the operations of the ProCredit institutions: 


  • Transparency: We provide transparent information to our customers, to the general public and to our employees. For example, we ensure that customers fully understand the terms of the contracts they conclude with us, and we engage in financial education in order to raise public awareness of the dangers of intransparent financial offers.


  • A culture of open communication: We communicate openly, fairly and constructively with each other. We deal with conflicts at work in a professional manner, working together to find solutions.


  • Social responsibility and tolerance: We offer our clients sound, well founded advice. Before offering loans to our clients, we assess their economic and financial situation, their business potential and their repayment capacity in order to avoid over-indebtness and to provide appropriate financial services.  In addition, we are committed to treating all customers and employees with fairness and respect, regardless of their origin, colour, language, gender or religious beliefs.

We also ensure that requests for loans are evaluated in terms of the applicant’s compliance with our ethical business practices. No loans are issued to enterprises or individuals if it is suspected that they are making use of unsafe, environmentally harmful or morally objectionable forms of labour, in particular child labour.


  • High professional standards: Our employees take personal responsibility for the quality of their work and always strive to grow as professionals.


  • A high degree of personal integrity and commitment: Complete honesty is required of all employees in the ProCredit group at all times, and any breaches of this principle are swiftly and rigorously dealt with.


These principles represent the backbone of our corporate culture and are actively applied in our day-to-day operations. They are reflected in the ProCredit Code of Conduct, which translates the group’s principles into practical guidelines for our staff.



Environmental Standards


All of the banks belonging to the ProCredit group set high standards regarding the impact of their operations on the environment. ProCredit banks take a three-pronged approach to environmental challenges:


Pillar 1: Internal environmental management system


ProCredit Bank Romania is putting in place an approach to better understand and improve the sustainability of its own energy use and environmental impact. The bank recycles paper as a matter of policy and encourages staff to engage in energy saving behaviour, such as using energy, water and paper more sparingly, as well as turning off lights and equipment when not in use. These efforts are being carried out at all levels in the bank, from the head office to the branches.


Environmental issues are an essential component of the training provided to ProCredit Bank staff at the local, regional and international level. The bank has designated an Environmental Co-ordinator to be responsible for ensuring that Group Environmental Standards for Lending are applied, including trainings for the business client advisers.


Pillar 2: Management of environmental risk in lending


ProCredit Bank Romania has implemented an environmental risk management system based on continuous assessment of the loan portfolio according to environmental criteria, an in-depth analysis of all economic activities which potentially involve environmental risks, and the rejection of loan applications from enterprises engaged in activities which are deemed environmentally hazardous and appear on our institution’s exclusion list. By incorporating environmental issues into the loan approval process, ProCredit Bank Romania is also able to raise its clients’ overall level of environmental awareness.


Pillar 3: Promotion of “green finance”


ProCredit Bank promotes economic development that is as ecologically sustainable as possible. ProEco loans, which are a continuation of the bank’s business model, represent an important step in this direction. For SMEs and agricultural producers, this kind of funding can enhance the performance of their businesses by enabling them to purchase modern and efficient technologies that contribute to environmental protection. ProEco loans are meant for investments in:

  • Energy efficiency: Investment in equipment/machines that use little energy and/or resources, but produce the same amount of finished products;
  • Renewable energy: Investment in systems that produce energy from inexhaustible sources, such as sun, wind, water and biomass;
  • Environmentally friendly measures: Investments that have a direct positive impact on the environment, such as: water treatment, soil protection, and waste management.