PSD2 – Open Banking


On September 14, the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2018/389, supplementing the EU Directive 2366/2015 of the European Parliament and of the Council (PSD2) on the regulatory technical standards for strong customer authentication (SCA) and the common and secure open standards of communication, shall enter into force. Strong customer authentication brings a plus in terms of security with regard to usage of electronic payment instruments, while at the same time requiring additional steps to be undertaken by the clients in the process of online payments authorization.


Therefore, for performing card transactions on internet sites using the 3D Secure service, besides the dynamic password received via SMS, a static code consisting of the last 6 digits of the personal identification personal (CNP) will be required. The steps for confirming a payment can be found here.


In light of the same strong authentication requirement, for using of the Mobile Banking application, besides the user and the password, a 6-digit code sent via SMS will be required. The Mobile Banking application can only be used in the new version 2.0.45, available in Google Store and Apple Store respectively.

We are happy to announce that starting with 14th of July 2019, ProCredit Bank launched the API's platform in accordance with the Berlin Group standards.
By accessing the Developer Portal address -, you have the option to explore the interface offered to you by ProCredit Bank.
We remind you that all technical specifications and related documentation are available in detail on the Developer Portal





Join our developer portal at and start developing your application based on Berlin Group Standards.

PSD2 APIs consist of services such as Account information service and Payment Initiation service.


In order to use our APIs for testing and development purposes, the first step is to register on our Developer Portal as a new member.
