Press release regarding Information Security

09.10.2020, Bucharest

Following the recent information released by the press regarding the phishing attempts on clients of several banking institutions in Romania, ProCredit Bank wants to assure all its clients of the security of their accounts. ProCredit Bank clients did not suffer any financial loss following these attempts.

For ProCredit Bank, the security of our clients information is a priority, for this reason a new internet banking platform was released, ProB@nking Plus NEW. The new platform has exactly the aim of protecting users from cyber-attacks that more and more banks are facing. Due to the new dual authentication method, the platform offers a high level of security, and customers who have not signed up so far are strongly advised to do so.

We encourage ProCredit Bank clients to read the Information Security guide, and to remain vigilant about the activity of their bank accounts online, through the online banking platform, accessing it only via the official website

In case of any suspicious activity regarding ProCredit Bank accounts, contact the bank as soon as possible, either by phone: 0372-100.200 or 021-201.55.55, or by e-mail at ROU.

Press contact:

Ana-Maria Becheru, Specialist Marketing, ProCredit Bank România,

Tel.: +40 372-100-200, E-mail: