Report a breach

Whistleblowing is the term used when any employee of ProCredit Bank, or a business partner, a member of the general public - passes on information concerning actions that have been committed with criminal intent, or violations of applicable laws, or actions that may raise ethical, legal or regulatory concerns, including environmental and social concerns.
We encourage every ProCredit Bank employee as well as our business partners and the general public to raise issues of concern, and speak up through our whistleblowing system.
If, in connection with our business activities, you wish to disclose information about actions that have been committed with criminal intent, or violations of applicable laws, or actions that may raise ethical, legal or regulatory concerns, including environmental and social concerns, you may report these BREACHES to us below:
Please be assured that all complaints are taken seriously and treated with high confidentiality.
If your complaint concerns the immediate notification of a local authority or your complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, you can contact the National Integrity Agency:
Submit your notification

(Specify the branch / agency of the bank or other relevant details about where the event you are notifying us about took place)